Audiobook Sample 2 -- Teen Voice



This is a sample of the YA novel, Take Me Home Tonight. The voice is youthful, feminine, girl next door, happy, excited, nervous, eager, narrator, girly, adventurous, sensitive, thoughtful, sincere, genuine, grounded, and natural.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter One. By the time the bell rang, I was already halfway out the door, I didn't look behind me as I hustled down the hallway of stand, which high school knowing I was missing last minute assignments and instructions, but at the moment not caring, I had honestly not been paying the slightest bit of attention in the second half of Ap US history. I'd spent the last 20 minutes of class with my eyes fixed to the clock on the wall, willing it to go faster. Not taking in a word of what Mr. Bachelor was saying about the Continental Congress because the sooner class ended, the sooner I could get to advanced acting and the sooner I'd find out the casting for king Lear and that cast list, seeing that piece of paper would answer the question that had been keeping me up at nights. It would let me know if I'd gotten the part that would determine the rest of my year college acceptances and potentially my entire life going forward. I had been so fast out the door that the hallways weren't too full yet. But even so, I was surrounded by people walking just as fast as I was and not because they had life changing news they needed to get to. I mean, as far as I knew, maybe the kids who are really into forensic science are coding. We're also waiting on big news. I didn't know their lives Stand, which high was huge over 2000 kids. And as a result, the building had been expanded over the years to try and accommodate everyone sprouting wings and annexes and ad hoc trailer classrooms. But even though the school had gotten bigger, the time allotted to get from one class to another had not gotten longer, which meant that everyone just tended to hustle in the hallways. Like this particular public school in suburban Connecticut was home to a surprising number of speed walkers and today I was among them as I B. Lined for my locker. It wasn't technically mine. I shared the locker with my best friend, Stevie Sinclair. I've misplaced my combination the first week of school and rather than go through the hassle of dealing with the front office, I just started using Stevie's, It worked out since we could drop off and pick up things for each other and leave notes on the occasions our phones got confiscated. I grabbed my coat, tossed three books in my bag. Then, after a moment's hesitation, grabbed Stevie's coat for her too. The first play meeting was always right after school after the cast list was posted. And since we had advanced acting as our last class of the day, this way we could just stay in the theater and Stevie wouldn't have to come trekking back over here to get her long black puffer. I slammed the locker shut and gave the dial a spin. I wanted to get over to the theater as soon as I could to be in the building where it happened, I couldn't help but think that the next time I saw this door, the next time I opened this locker I would know about the cast list and everything after. I would know if I'd gotten cordelia cat. I looked over to see Zach Callison speed walking toward me. Stevie had been mentioning lately that she thought he was cute and Zach always seemed to be hanging around the locker when she was here too, so I was subtly trying to nudge them together. Stevie hadn't expressed any interest in anyone since her boyfriend of a year had dumped her at the end of the summer. As it was now early november, it was well past time for her to be crushing on someone new and Zach seemed like a promising rebound. Hey, I said, what's up? Can you give this to Stevie for me? He asked, digging in his messenger bag and coming up with a marine biology textbook. He held it out and I took it with a silent sigh. Why were boys so stupid? Why didn't he realize that he could have used this opportunity to give it back to Stevie himself? Sure, I said, tucking it under my arm since my bag was getting pretty full. It wasn't surprising that he'd given something of Stevie's to me since we were always together, people tended to treat us like we ran an old timey post office or something knowing we could get whatever it was, clothes, books, messages, veiled threats and one time an oversized teddy bear To the other one, but you could also give it to her yourself, I said, raising an eyebrow, Zach just blinked at me, but you're right here, okay? I said, giving up, I didn't have time to give Zach callison instructions on flirting opportunities. I had to get to the theater building C. U. I headed down the hall, which was now more crowded than before. I made it to the end of the hall, then pushed out of the doors of Lansing House and joined the crowd, going down the stairs to the student center stand, which high was divided into four houses, like a fancy british boarding school, but with less cricket and more axe body spray, I crossed my fingers as I took the curving staircase down to the student center. It felt like maybe hopefully everything was lining up. In my experience, you didn't get many moments like this and I wanted to savor it. It was a friday. My favorite day in november, my favorite month. It wasn't freezing yet, but there had been a bite in the air all week. The good kind of cold, the kind that made you dig for your thicker sweaters in the cedar closet and search for last year's gloves, the kind that let you know that winter really was on its way. The first semester of senior year hadn't been quite as hard as we've all been led to believe, which was a huge relief since junior year had come close to doing me in. My bangs had finally grown out enough that I could tuck them behind my ears. Never ever get break up bangs, you will regret them, Stevie and my stylist and all the people who answered my instable had told me this, but I hadn't listened. And I was wearing my new purple cashmere turtleneck sweater, the one with little puffs at the top of the sleeves and I was potentially less than an hour away from finding out if I'd gotten my dream role, Cordelia king leers, youngest daughter was a great part and I already had most of her lines memorized. I've gotten chills the first time I'd read her speech to her father, the inciting incident that kicks off the whole play Lear is dividing up his kingdom between his three daughters and demands. They all pay homage to him something. Her older sister's Gonorrhea and Reagan are only too happy to do, promptly telling the king what he wants to hear. But when it comes to cordelia she can't do it. She can't suddenly profess emotion on command. She has one of my favorite lines in the whole play. I cannot heave my heart into my mouth. As soon as I'd read that I knew it was the role I wanted and it was a real possibility I could get it. I was a senior after all, and I'd been regularly getting leads since the end of my sophomore year, nothing was guaranteed. I knew that, but I was still allowing myself to help. I've been part of Sandwich High School's drama department since the first month of my freshman year. I had never acted before, never been in any of the plays in middle school because I'd been dancing. I've taken ballet since I was three and had spent all my time after school and every summer at sleepaway ballet camps, dancing. My life was a blur of leotards and convertible tights, bobby pins and hairnets, breaking in pointe shoes and comparing callouses and bloody blisters after class, like war wounds, like battle scars. I had fully believed that it was what I was going to do with my life. I wasn't going to go to college, I was going to dance professionally and it wasn't like it was out of the realm of possibility to think that I could do it. Glc Edwards, two years older than me and the star of our dance school, became an apprentice at the New York City Ballet when she was 15 and joined the company the following year. But right before my freshman year started, my teacher sat down with me and my parents and told me she didn't think I'd be able to make it that while I was technically proficient, she didn't anticipate I'd get an offer from a company. I still audition for the School of american Ballet, but didn't get in. And suddenly all my plans all I thought my life would be were thrown up in the air. I wasn't going to S A B and professional Children's in the city. I was going to stand which high and would have to figure out something else to do with my life. At 14, I was all washed up, but during the second week of school there was an announcement about auditions for the fall play. I dragged myself. They're not expecting anything just to have something to do, but they're in line behind me had been Stevie Sinclair, we were both cast as Maids in the Cherry orchard and I fell in love with all of it with my new best friend, with the camaraderie with the long rehearsals. Punchy tech run throughs, sits probes and opening nights striking the sets and cast parties. I loved it all joining the theater department had turned what had been the lowest moment in my life into something better than I ever could have imagined. I was all in 100 and I barely danced since cat Wait up. I stopped crossing the student center and turned around, seeing my friend terry running toward me, her brown hair flying behind her. Hey, I said, giving her a smile. Where are you coming from? Terry? Short for Theresa. Sy had been in middle school with me.