David Satterlee - Videogames - Devil, Horror, Fiction, Deep, Low, Rumble, Intense, Suspense, Moody

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[This segment introduces the devil traveling through the desert on his motorcycle, and stopping to examine and sense the oppressive isolation.]
You have to wonder... Who really is the devil? Evil incarnate? Your neighbor on his Harley? Yahweh gone walkabout on holiday? Get ready to explore, question authority, discuss koans and, maybe, argue the relative merits of conflicting virtues... and find out who's been naughty or nice... or good for goodness' sake.

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the devil rides out into the desert. His machine flesh is lightning in the sun's reflection. Off polished chrome, it roars and rumbles thunder through vacant canyons. The sting of sand and grit and dust scours his face clean. He savors Thea presage heat, the desiccated dryness everywhere this eaten so dry that it need never be burnt. It flushes. His blood makes him chilled. Breezy where the annihilation has gone, thinnest, the utter isolation empty, free alone for this moment in eternity, There's nothing out here but the tract trail and the sunlight sitting low, beaming on the shimmering lakes of deception. Neither water nor fire, but the seducing gamblers passion for both the abundance of spirit to vigorous and plentiful toe let go of life and be given flesh, holding its breath in space and eternity prepared and waiting for everything or anything or nothing. Would you like to play a nice game of global thermal nuclear destruction?