\"Too Many Bananas \" Author: Rohini NilekaniIllustrator: Angie & Upe

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Teen (13-17)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sh injury. Srinivas was having a very bad day. Nobody wanted the sweet, ripe bananas he was growing on his com. Not his family, not his neighbour, but his friends, not the traders who could sell the bananas in far away Mark. It's not his couse. No, thank you. They all said The bananas are very sweet, but we have had to money. We cannot even eat any more, said everybody. Poor Singur. Any Shri Wass What was he to do now with the rich? How ist of banana? He decided to seek help from the farmer centre in Do do. Are you a big town near his village? Off he went carrying the best grabs of banana. Surely someone there would be having a good idea for him. A few days later, Srini was returned home looking very happy. He went bank to grow bananas on his farm. But he did not offered the fruits to anyone anymore, not to his family. Not to is never not to his friend, Not to the traders who could sell the bananas in the far away markets and not even to his cows. Everyone became very curious. They're all the bananas, coy one day. Never. She wanna arranged a wary pick. Pooja. The priest asked him to get 108. Right? Bananas has an offering to the gods. She won. I ran to Srinivas, Absorbed for saying no. Do you before. But now I need 108 ripe bananas. Can you please help me? Sweeney was tapped his chin. Well, my crop has just been cut. But let me see what I can do. You he who may start the puja, I will surely come. The puja started. The whole village came to watch the priest again. The child. It became time to offer bananas to the cards chess than in came string. Neary Srinivas carrying a very big back from the bag. He carefully to cart 27 packets and laid them out before the holy Fire. Each back it was carefully wrapped in banana. On each one was written high quality banana. However, assessments, son Jerry offered one to the priest. Each one has a pulp of four bananas. There are seven packets. So here you are one on 100 trike manners. The priest was so surprised that he forgot to chant in the silence. One child began to love soon the whole villages laughing and clapping. Now we know what Shane was does with all the bananas that he grows.