Audiobook Reel Fiction--Excerpts from The Little Mermaid



Excerpts from \"The Little Mermaid,\" in which I play several characters including the narrator, the little mermaid, her grandmother, the sea-witch, and the daughters of the air.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen. Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest, cornflower and as clear as crystal, it is very, very deep when you have reached your 15th year, said the grandmother. You will have permission toe rise about of the sea and sit on the rocks in the moonlight. Oh, where I bought 15 years old, said she. I know that I shall love the world up there and all the people who live in it. It is very stupid of you. But you shall have your way, though it will bring you to sorrow. My pretty princess, You want to get rid of your fishes tail and I have to support since Tet like human beings on earth so that the young prince may fall in love with you and so that you may have an immortal soul. We fly toe warm countries and call the sultry air that destroys mankind with the pestilence. We carry the perfume off the flowers to spread health and restoration. After we have striven for 300 years to do all the good in our power, we received an immortal soul and take part in the happiness of mankind.