15-Second Movie Trailer Voice Over

Movie Trailers


My demo basically showcases my normal voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Nati has just opened up the laundromats. She's in the process of turning on the lights and machines. Most of the units are quite old and band up. Some of the lights flicker and struggle to turn on as the voiceover is red as low shots of her walking down the row of washers and dryers is shown now. TV. Oh, do you ever wonder to yourself, how on earth did it get here? I ask it all the time, and I still don't got an answer. The only woman who can tell you it's buried in a cemetery outside of Richmond, Virginia. It's about time a baby mama visit Matic, kicks a dryer, lights up, and she starts humming the treatment of Hey Joe as she walks into the back of the Laundromat.


Singer, Calm