Living with Uveitis - Medical (Peer to Patient)

Profile photo for Steven Carlson
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Video Narration


I created these Narrations, voicing the scripts, selecting and editing the background music. I've written and voiced thousands of hours of commercial and non-commercial radio programs and spots over 40+ years and this is a sample of my Long Form Narration sound. Need a different style? Just ask.

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
UV itis is intra ocular inflammation that involves a very large segment of different diseases. UV itis can occur in the front of the eye, in the middle or in the back and can involve the entire structure of the eye. UV itis is very much like arthritis. There are many different types of arthritis. They can range from a mild annoyance to someone confined to a bed. There's a whole spectrum of disease. So our goal is to try to find out what's causing the UV itis, what's the most effective treatment for UV itis controlling the disease while trying to minimize the side effects.