Explainer, upbeat, informative

Video Narration


This sample is one in a series of 7 explainer videos on the assembly of custom made golf clubs for Total Fit Golf.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
build station One is our tuning bench at the start of every build. Each component is measured and weighed. Parts are then tuned to the ideal static weight, swing weight and frequency for each golfer. We use the auditor 20 900 mass. Property golf Club scale to weigh each shaft head and grip. Any parts found to be out of tolerance are rejected and replaced. Head weights are adjusted to the determined values to achieve both the proper static weight and swing weight. The parts are then dry, assembled and mark to the established playing length. Using our auditor 30125 HD pneumatic frequency analyzer. We next measure for frequency frequency adjustments are made by tip trimming the shafts to the specified slope using one of our golf mechanics. 1 23 100 dust contained shaft cutters. Once our set is fully tuned, it is ready to move on to the assembly station.