Character Demo

Profile photo for Carol Pawlak
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


A sweet southern voice with a bit of spunk.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
if I had one wish in my life, I'd like to live in dumps right there on the restaurant. So this old place I'll come up to the bow. The hill bowed down with my troubles hurting under my load. And I'll see that yellow horseshoe sort of like part of a rain, and it gives mild spirit a lift. Lord, I can sit in a McDonald's all day. I've done it, too. I walk the seven miles with the sun just on its way and sat on the curb till five minutes of seven 1st 1 there in the last one to leave, just like some of the old French fries. I like the young people working there like a team of fine young horses. When I was growing up, all smiles tell you what I really like, though, is the plastic God gave us plastic so there wouldn't be no stains on this world. See, in the human world of the Earth, it all gets scratched stains. Tora faded down, loses its shine. All of it does in time. Well, God gave us an idea of plastic, so we know what the everlasting really waas. See if there was plastic than there, surely an eternity. It's God's hint