English Ghost Story's - Sunil Talks about this Haunted House (Whaley)

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Whalely House , is this famous haunted house in California , people go there to experience the paranormal activity's that are said to happen .

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, discover the chilling history of America's most hunted house. Travel back in time to the 18 hundreds as you explore the legendary Whaley house. Join us for a captivating guided evening to a through the first of its kind home in Southern California. Listen to the tales experience from the past and perhaps even experience Para Anoma join us after I was and learn all about the pioneer families tragic legacy with exclusive access to the very rooms where the Whaley's lived and died, and connect with the lost souls that are said to be trapped within the walls at this iconic home.