Dramatic Reading


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dead Man's Hate By Robert Irvin Howard They hanged John Farrow in the door Amid the marketplace. At dusk came Adam Brand to him and spat upon his face. Who neighbors all speak at, um, brand Siyi? John Farrell's feet just proven here I have been nooses stronger than man's hate for Gino. John Farrell's vowed to be avenged. A balmy from life or death. See how he hangs high on this gallows tree? He had never a word. People spoke in fear and wild surprise for the grizzly corpse raised up its head instead, with sightless eyes and with strange motions through and Steve pointed that that's in prayer on clam it Down the gym tree news within its hand with gaping mouth stood Adam brand like a statue, part of stone. Here, the dead men lead a clammy hand ******* his shoulder bone