Documentaries and Explainers



Snippets of a variety of projects in which I showcase my narration styles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In order to build the empire state building, demolition crews first had to raise the original Waldorf Astoria Hotel meeting place for New York Society's most elite. The 400, as they were known, would still be served by the new construction if in a different capacity. Welcome to module one path of physiology of type two diabetes. In this module, we will discuss the major organs involved in glucose homeostasis and the major pancreatic hormones involved in glucose metabolism. We will also discuss the major risk factors and core defects of type two diabetes. In the wake of World War two, opposing groups gathered strength on the extremes of german society, On the left were the communists and socialists, and on the right where the ultra nationalists 1920, Adolf Hitler helped galvanize one such ultranationalist group into the Nazi Party because the patient does not feel Paris these Asia, it is important to rate their pain levels throughout each treatment stage to determine which program therapy settings are working best, adding patient pain scores, will correlate therapy effectiveness to therapy settings and track patient progress comparing each therapy step along the way to baseline values. This is a valuable tool to help analyze effective verbal levels used for Navajo treatment.