Bingo Brawl

Profile photo for Tanya Graver
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A small piece of humor being delivered in the aspect of a news story of interest.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
print of humor. A bingo game at a long term care facility in Canada devolved into a brawl on Tuesday afternoon, forcing please to respond, according to CBC News. The scrum at the senior home started with a disagreement between two women a 79 year old in the other 86 over a chair, according to Leeds County, Ontario Provincial Police Costs with Sandra Bar. The two women residents at an unidentified facility in Radom makes Ontario have reportedly claimed the same chair and neither would back down. The dispute between the women turned physical and soon others joined in, according to CBC News. No one was badly hurt in the altercation and no arrests were made. It was certainly an unusual call for us, Bar told the station. Now don't be too smug. This could happen. At Lion's Bingo on Friday night, the Rex blacks were all bangle. Players are very protective of their very own seating arrangement every week,