Transatlantic/mid-Atlantic voice demo. 4 samples

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A demo of 4 Transatlantic voice samples.
Advertisemet, Sports Announcer, Radio news Host, Documentary.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What would you do with another hour in the day? Maybe finished that book you've been working on, Maybe lounge by the pool, throw a ball around with young Johnny. Oh, what a blow. Simmons reels from the hit and is knocked down by his own force on the bat. The ball is flying straight down the center of the field and Rogers of running to get under it. Simmons is up now. One is running to first Good Morning America and all ships at sea today. But for we relate the goings on in foreign countries, I am moved to relate to you the incredible effects off pure mineral water. What efficacious benefits are to be had for only pennies a bottle, and not just any mineral water but Thompson's glory brand mineral water. Here you can see the farmer out on his morning rounds. What a pastoral view. What serene environs to raise a family