Youthful - Radio - Announcer - Hype - Energetic - Exciting

Profile photo for Troy Holden
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Soft drink ad bringing the hype of a strong announcer for radio

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the world without mountain dew life would be pretty dull because when you crack open an ice cold mountain dew, you enter a world where the ground rules of life are, shall we say, a little different where being bold is merely the price of entry and bringing unbridled excitement to whatever you're doing is not a nice to have. It's a full on requirement in the world of mountain dew. Nothing Epic comes from playing it safe and nothing memorable comes from taking things down a notch. So grab yourself a mountain dew and get that incomparable blast of need monstrous flavor due in hand. You're ready to dive into the world head on head first and head up while you're at it. Bring some compadres along for the ride together with mountain dew. There's nothing you can do and almost nothing you won't do to take things to the next level in the world of mountain dew, The operating rules pretty simple. If you're not having an outrageously good time, you're not drinking, do mountain dew, It's bold, it's refreshing, It makes the world a way more interesting place. Do the do