English audio-book

Profile photo for Thandile Kondilathi
Not Yet Rated


A bold and clear speaking voice. Natural and comfortable in front of the camera and microphone. Over 10 years of Radio and TV broadcasting experience

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how the land was lost by Joseph Conrad In the heart of darkness. The kettle had stopped grazing. Their eyes were stolen, Their nose is covered in sores. They're breathing was rapid laboured and they seemed to experience coughing fits. Their mouth hung open and their tongues protruded Initiated. They began to die. One by one, the dying began in the worst of the land of the casa. It soon spread across the entire closer land. Once a call showed symptoms, the entire herd was affected. One death led to tens of deaths. Tens led to hundreds. No one knew the cause. Thou families, clans and entire villages felt the effects. Everyone was worried about the rapidity of the spread, the scale and the beautiful manner of the deaths. Local Sears were consulted, but they were unable to provide answers. Some resorted to practical solutions. If a car was supported with the symptoms, it was immediately put down. Others believed the kettle with those of Spain Evil spirit. Yet others saw those as ancestral anger at the living. My name is $10 k