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An brief overview of the many different voices of Therisa.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
is it? I don't time again. No, it's karaoke times. Miller Genuine Draft brings you the pump house karaoke contest with a grand prize for two anywhere. Alaska Airlines flies called brokers and keep in mind you, no matter if it's uglier, nothing, they'll still buy you the reward upto $50 trade for your own pet Sarai. Good Day, Elaine Event. It's a money. Instead, call Trey Dio, covering longest running radio classifieds Monday through Friday between two and three o'clock, where you can buy and sell personal items. You could even swap your stuff and get something you'll like in need. I wanted something. It's a little easier on the eye every Wednesday night. The Silver Spur and Miller Genuine Draft want you to stop by and drop in extra entry form in the box For your chance to win the Boss Blizzard Snowplow heart flannel line jeans. Jam it in the bag and get a deal. Everything in the store for men, women and kids. If it's in the bag, it's on sale. If you need hotel accommodations this summer called the Bridgewater Hotel, sitting in the heart of downtown Fairbanks, the Bridgewater's