English Demo (2022)

Profile photo for Vi Ji
Not Yet Rated


Includes radio announcing, narrating, and some acting!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
watch our series chronicling the journey of three men searching for the biggest waves in the world, surf's up tonight on the extreme summer sports. Now, you know what we have to go through at home, ask our superior, he's dealing with this and many other kinds of cases all day every day. In addition, he has to take care of everything from laundry to groceries at home and to top it off, he can't even squat. Here's your personal invitation to join us at bloomers fairgrounds for an all day event from 8 to 6 on saturday november 12th, the Cat's meow tour at bloomers Fairgrounds for one day only. Yo as I listened to them, I felt an excitement staring me, an excitement that I died with my expulsion from the world of the girls. There's going to be a wedding in the family. A real wedding, in a real church with the real bride. I saw it all in my mind. The buying of the, sorry, the making of the country, to the wrapping of the cake, the delicious ******* items, the jasmine garlands, the bridesmaids. What are mine? What draws my great admiration. Baseball a man, a man stands alone on the plate. This is the time for what? For individual achievement, but on the field, part of a team with great power comes great responsibility. This is my gift. This is my destiny. Who am I. I'm Spiderman