Male middle age online ad spokesperson engaging sincere

Online Ad


male middle age online ad spokesperson engaging sincere

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, My name is Mark baker. You're five minutes away from the biggest break through your entire life because you're about to realize that the inevitably decaying of your vision is not as inevitable as it may have seemed. You just thought it was because you didn't know the whole truth and the truth will set you free as you shall see if you're here, it means that you're hurting, but you have not lost hope yet. It means that you feel deeply that something is just not right and you want to do everything you can about it. When you started squinting your eyes to read the restaurant menu, you didn't think much of it and that when you started using lenses, you ignored that too. This was just a natural part of getting older, right?