Tim Sullivan Narrative demo

Profile photo for Tim Sullivan
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Narrative demo including an authentic Boston accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a hand reached out blindly to knock the vibrating phone to the floor, morgen emerged from under the sheets, sitting up groggily and squinting against the glare of the neon motel sign outside, morgen walked over to the bathroom, flicked on the bathroom lights, and for a moment was silhouetted in their fluorescent glow. He heard glass shatter and at the same moment a sharp pain in his neck drove him forward into the sink. Teddy bears offer a strange sense of security. They're cute and cuddly and somehow strong and brave all at the same time. Teddy! How come you're not afraid of the dark? Asked little bobby, all tucked in his bed because there's nothing to be afraid of. Nighttime is day taking a rest, replied teddy. One of the most bizarre factory mishaps in history was the great boston molasses spill of january 1919 2.3 million gallons of molasses split open its steel housing tank and sent a rolling 15 ft high, 160 ft long wave out to demolish everything in its way high. I am larry the Lion. Now that you're a member of the Funland family, we want to help you fit right in. The most important rule at Funland is simply to have fun. Now we do have a dress code for park team members and you can find out all about it in our employee handbook. Hi, I'm tim. Sullivan, thank you for listening