
Profile photo for Tania der
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Meditation intro

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


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Unlock success. Five minute guided meditation for entrepreneurs. Welcome, entrepreneurs. Take a moment to find a comfortable seat, whether it's at your office desk or in a quiet room at home, settle in, rest your hands on your lap. And if it feels right, close your eyes, let's begin by taking three deep breaths together. Pause for breath, one more time. Breathe in success and breathe out limitation, pause for breath. Feel the weight of your body grounded on the seat connected to the earth. As an entrepreneur, your roots are in your vision, your goals, your drive, imagine these roots extending from you, planting themselves firmly into the ground, nourishing your entrepreneurial spirit. Now visualize your goals in vivid detail. What does success look like for you? Picture it as a thriving tree with luscious leaves and abundant fruits. Feel the joy and satisfaction as you reach out and touch your dreams, knowing that they are attainable and that you have the power to make them real as we continue to breathe. Let's focus on the word resilience. Say it to yourself silently as you inhale and as you exhale, release any barriers standing in your way, inhale resilience. Exhale obstacles, pause for breath, inhale resilience. Exhale challenges, pause for breath, with each breath, feel a stronger connection to your purpose. Let the energy of your inner strength and determination radiate from you. Touching every aspect of your business, your relationships, your life now slowly begin to bring your awareness back to the room. Gently wiggle your fingers, feel the surface beneath you. And when you're ready, open your eyes, take a moment to honor yourself for this time of reflection and alignment with your entrepreneurial success. You've not only invested in your business but also in yourself. Carry this sense of clarity and purpose with you as you navigate your journey to success.