


Daily affirmations

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
daily affirmations for healing positively change our subconscious fought patterns in just 19 days. Essential knowledge to reduce stress, improved mental health and find peace in the everyday By Kenny Fairly Narrated by 10 aka Richards I am learning and growing every moment. I am enough. I have my back. I am sure I can end your bad days. I am ready to answer the callings of my soul and guardian angels. God is leading me to his abode of peace. Obstacles in my way. Do not break me. They strengthen me. Life is God's beautiful gift. I choose to be happy. I am not inferior to any other person. My weaknesses are my strengths. I am gifted with the universe is clarity, strength and wholeness. I am magnetic and loved for my sacred beauty. I have a purpose and I need to fulfil it. I voice my truth and intuitions. I have unconditional love for everyone. I do not pollute myself in this world with hopelessness. The problems are illusions and I do not concentrate on them. Calmness and poise have stepped in my life. I am flowing and adaptable