Commercial Demo

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to the adventurers, romantics and the biggest dreamers in the world. Welcome to California. Here you'll be surrounded with stunning scenery, amazing playgrounds and fascinating history. We recommend freezing discs for a number of things like muted trombone, a doorstop, a ninja throwing stars or distracting attacking polar bear. Unfortunately, these multifunctional free Z discs are currently unavailable. Wendy's, however, only uses fresh meat from close by, so it never needs to be frozen. Well, look at that. Your rates went up again at Ally Bank. This is how we do things. Right now. We're offering 2.2% a p y on all online savings accounts, which is 18 times the rate of the bank you're at now. Show off your rugged, testosterone dripping macho soup signed by knocking back some Jose Cuervo with a fistful of lime. Show the ladies that you can handle your liquor like a pro and they'll be swooning over your manly manliness in no time. This is my lane, my lane. No, no, no, no, no, no, Please don't know. Come on. I just bought this carpet re. Then breathe out. OK, time out. Feeling like stress is getting the best of you sign up two months early and save up to 50%. Great Wolf Lodge celebrates summer all year long What are you waiting for? Find out Mawr and plan your stay at great wolf dot com. This is Tom Shock. Thanks for listening.