Poisoned Jungle



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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
reading truthfully about war, his killing, lifelong physical and psychological consequences are set in motion. Even witnessing this destruction spreads a wide net of complicity. Participating in it challenges every moral precept of what it is to me. Restoring the damaged parts of oneself is a process that is rarely completed. The impact of war is transformational on the human psyche. You're not going, if not irrevocably damaged by award is human to try and piece together shattered perceptions of humanity. The alternative is chaos. Mind the end of civilization as a medic in my war, they were frantic efforts to treat casualties. Only moments before were healthy healing beings. Sometimes this'll was an enemy soldier or a Vietnamese civilians caught in the crossfire. Most often he was young American combatants, too young to vote, cut up in a war not of their making but of their countries. One efforts failed. It set in motion powerful psychological consequences. Finding equilibrium with those forces became imperative. The characters and poison jungle will resonate with readers and provide a glimpse into one more and the lingering and complicated aftereffects. There are political realities, and on the surface there are winners and losers. Beyond that, all sides have suffered the tragic consequences of