Explainer Video - Conversational, Informative, Articulate

Profile photo for Tonya Marie Casey
Not Yet Rated


Three different types of explainer videos (friendly information on pet adoption, gentle explanation on baby massage, and calming step-by-step guide for self-acupressure)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thank you for considering adopting an animal from us. Now that you're ready to adopt a pet, we'd like to help you find one who is right for you. Your new pet will be with you for years. So this is an important decision that should not be rushed into this video discusses important topics and gives you great tips on what you need to know before bringing a new pet into your home. We will also discuss obedience training for dogs. From puppy kindergarten classes to teaching your dog tricks. This video is for parents and grandparents and for you because you want your baby to thrive for a baby. Touch is talk. Touch is the most developed sense. A baby has skin to skin contact is a powerful way to communicate with your baby Before your baby can talk to you, give your baby the gift of feeling deeply connected to you. Make sure your child knows what positive touch is all about, create a deep and lasting bond. Years later, when your grown child gives you a big hug or confides in you, you will be glad that you gave them a special way of communicating with you acupressure. The eastern method of massaging certain trigger points on the face can help minimize fine lines. It also strengthens facial muscles and increases circulation to impart a rosy glow cross your middle fingers over your index fingers. Then touch each of the following five acupressure points with your index finger and hold gently for one minute. First touch your hairline in line with the inner corners of your eyes. Next touch the bridge of your nose, then the outer corners of your eyes, then just under your nose and finally touch the top of your draw line just under the ears.