IMA Domina Podcast-Italy/Eng - AvatarTechnical Pharmaceutical Engineer



Technical Podcast for Pharmaceutical Engineers. Avatar voice. Podcast Episode
Federica Giatti - Change is about quality. Improving technology means flexibility. DOMINA governs forces.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is d change, a reflection on the theme of change on this podcast. Federica Jati compression technologist at Emma Active. Mhm. Overseeing the process is the key to my job. A new blend to be compressed always makes for a new challenge with hidden issues to be faced. Step by step mixing, self knowledge and equipment, versatility guarantees results. This brings me to consider what can really affect the tablet manufacturing process or better yet, which solutions can be used to handle the process Better. If we follow the path of making a tablet from a powder, we start with the loading of the powder inside the press itself, we must first focus our attention on the feeding units. Domina provides different solutions while ensuring the product requirements are always followed. On one hand, Standard feeder for floatable product on the other dedicated unit for challenging blend third paddle die feeder, an elongated feeder are concrete answers in case of poor floatable products. Once the proper die feeder configurations are chosen, paddles then play a crucial role. We can compare them to a striker in a soccer match.