Tracy Ortolano Narration Demo Reel



4 engaging demos that showcase Tracy's ability to engage your listener and bring your copy to life.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in 2001. Reese Witherspoon start and Legally Blonde, playing a sorority girl at Harvard Law who everyone underestimates. It was a smash hit, but some people in the industry must have missed the lesson of the movie. They still thought of Witherspoon as the pretty face who couldn't handle serious roles. It didn't take long for Witherspoon to prove them wrong. It may seem like your newborn baby gets fussy for no reason, but there's always a reason they could be hungry, gassy, tired or cold. So if your baby starts crying, relax. Just go through the checklist of possible causes, and you will find the answer. The last dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago, but sea turtles have been around for much, much longer, 150 million years, to be exact. What explains their longevity? Sea turtles are perfectly adapted for difficult situations due to their slow movement. They burn very little energy, which means they can survive long periods without food. Sending humans to Mars poses some serious technological challenges, but there are psychological hurdles as well how well humans deal with such a long journey. What kind of personalities would operate best under these circumstances? Researchers air busy trying to answer these questions, and the early results have been promising