Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Travis Provost
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This demo combines a variety of different types of commercials from slow-paced to booming excitement.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Every home should have smoke detectors, but do you have a carbon monoxide detector? You should. Carbon monoxide is not always easily detected, so be sure to keep your home up to date. I love watching cartoons. I used to keep that a secret, but thanks to the tune Channel, cartoons are cool again. Now, my friends don't make fun of me for watching them. Of course they do make fun of me for still living in my mom's basement Sunday. The biggest night on television is back. Super Sunday is chaos on the field. Only one team can take on the ring. It's not just Sunday, it's Super Sunday. Oh, do you smell that? It's coming from the garbage. Why didn't I get aroma bags? My first ride on a subway my first night in a five star hotel. Have you had any firsts lately? Get out and explore. There's a whole city out there waiting for you. Want to experience the hardest club on the strip? Welcome toe. Black Sky Anatomy for heroes will show you the underlying structure. You need to make your heroines fierce in your bad guys Look ready to pounce. All this and interviews with top comic illustrators. Make this book a must have for aspiring artists. I'm Travis Provost. Thank you for listening.