Calming, Meditative Bedtime story for children


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Irish (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to today's sleep storeys. Tonight I will be your guide on a beautiful, peaceful journey to a good night's sleep. Tonight's Storey is about a little girl who goes on an incredible journey. But before I begin our storey for the night, let us take a few moments to prepare ourselves for a rest ful night and relax. Close your eyes. Feel the waste on your eyelids, the cosy warmth off the blanket over you. Is there any tension in your body? Are you clenching your fists or tensing your neck? Allow your body to let go. Simply try to relax and let yourself settle into the mattress. Underneath you through your nose. Take a long, deep breath. Can you feel the warmth coursing through your body as the breath fills your lungs like a wave? Can you feel the comforts? Wash over you first over your fingers when your legs all the way down to your toes until your whole body is glowing with comfort and warmth. Can you feel her time around? You has slowed how you have gained control off this glorious moment in your day. Find comfort on peace in this. Now that you've settled into bed with the right mind set, Let us begin our storey. Tonight's Storey, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, beginning a lush garden far, far away, Alice, a bright girl only seven years of age, strolled through a garden party. The garden was picturesque, dotted with rows and rows of bright red roses. All around her, adults clinked teacups as they spoke in hushed tones over the hush fragrance steam. Though the garden was lovely, Alice didn't find the company particularly engaging. In fact, Alice was rather bored. Everything around her was print onto proper adults and fancy clothes. Snacks arranged in perfect little shapes, People afraid to laugh too much to smile too brightly. Alice decided she had to escape this. She wanted fun adventure logic. She didn't want to be proper and dull.