John Deere Commercial

Profile photo for Tye Nielsen
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's the information that you don't know, that always seems to hurt the most connect with on link when you suddenly have answers to what's on your mind right at your fingertips. If keeping ahead of the weather is a preoccupation, no problem. If knowing who is mowing, where is difficult to manage, we got your back. If a sudden change in priorities is disruptive and confusing, you can manage with clarity and communicate simply and easily access is at your fingertips. If seeing how far the crew has gotten on the front nine greens is a drive by, you can look here instead from wherever you are. And if keeping track of fleet maintenance is complicated, confusing and frustrating, put your mind at ease, connect and keep it straight. If balancing hours more evenly across your entire crew is usually done on post it. Notes, we'll help you bring it all together. If accounting for cost involves the creation of time consuming complicated reports, we can help with that too. In short, if it's on your mind, it's on link. Connect