Relevance of workshop to the police

Profile photo for Umar Tukur
Not Yet Rated


It is an extract from a report on a workshop held to improve sociology economic research in the police force

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the conduct of the training workshop exposed but responds to the fundamentals off conduct, incredible research, analysing data obtained writing off comprehensive research reports as well as an addition on dissemination off the research reports for the more participants were exposed to the development of very such apart into a policy brief on policy memorandum which could be used by the police Force. Workshop also provided opportunities for definition and collaboration in solving social and economic problems experienced among ministries, departments and agencies. The such reports off Nigerian Institute of Social Economic Research, Nice, awful short upon implementation, showed a commendable level of acceptance during the introduction of the boss, rapid Transit, Indigo State on tricycles and almost all states of the federation. I product off the search conducted by nicer implementation off this research reports of no doubt and hunt the credibility off such outcomes off the institute and now you're in on every date such finish