Audiobook Narration Multi Accent

Profile photo for Vanessa Plimley
Not Yet Rated


Narration Accent Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I would rather train by myself in. Go back to bed. You can't train hand to hand combat by yourself and you are an expert with the bow. So it looks like you need a partner. Pretty fun. Actually, there was some decent sets coming through all. Yeah, I know. I'm a bit late for the tide, but I'm gonna try and get a few anyway. Yeah. Get out there. How you stopped by for a coffee later if you feel like it. I got today off. Sounds good. Hello, darling. How are you? Hello, Sarah. I'm all right. How about you, mate, Sean? Poor shoveling dirt and then casually on the handle of his spade brown face breaking out in a grin and light crow's feet spreading out from the edges of twinkling clear blue eyes. I'm alright, but I wanted to speak with you as I'm having a real Hard time trying to figure Danny out. four of them sat around the battered wooden table, all looking frustrated, disgruntled and rather haggard from lack of sleep. Why do you think we have been called here? This guy gives nothing away. Yuri looked rather bored than worried, his rumpled clothes and mussed hair, telling a tale of being pulled for most likely another. This is bad. Yuri. You'll never think of the ripples of your actions were probably here because you slept with the wrong person again. That because of your disgrace of an operation in Syria. Oh, shut up. Maya. You're not there. You did not have any idea how bad the situation was. Now, now y'all, I think we'll find out pretty darn quick the **** it just landed.