Command & Conquer: Contra - Chinese Incendiary Weapons General Huang Lin Bao part 2

Profile photo for Matthew Vanston
Not Yet Rated


C&C Generals Zero Hour mod voice acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Standard Mandarin Chinese


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I see Black Lotus has betrayed China. I we make sure she will be punished. I have always wanted the challenge. Colorful burden. Bring it on! Connel At last that coward jam and killed as to show his face toe. Bodhi won't have it anymore. One time done within! Ah, You are burning your resources like calories. It is quite poetic. Normal power General, Do you need matches? Thank you for bringing so many troops, General. The volcanoes Hunger will be quenched today. Ah Ah! What's the point of bringing so many tanks here? General, we are in a volcano and the market. Mom melts metal. You think I'm scared off your air Force General? Ever heard of the legend of Icarus? Oh, a nuclear missile. Very impressive. But I have the most powerful nuclear weapon in hand. The Sun Tournament. Open your particle cannon versus my utmost! Very cleanse! Your puny bioweapons will be cleansed by fire before they even reach my base. General, that oil Derrick belongs to China. You will give it back to me. Forward men burn everything. Get the defenses ready. Purified this land. We fire for every of my barracks. Your bond down. I real. Burn yours. No, I will not accept the loss of my war factory. Hey, that was my airfield. Be nice, general. And stay away from my supplies. Santa! Leave my reactors alone or I will troll you into one of them. You may have destroyed my propaganda, Santa, but you will never destroy my soldier spirit. How dare you destroy my command! Sanda, Now I am angry.