
Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
as our country struggles with post traumatic stress disorder. Let's remember, we can always turn a blind eye. Have a drink, have a laugh on pretend none of it is happening. Okay. I need you to go out, turn left and go through the dark alley and right at the end across the street. It's the grocery store. Give me some ice cream. Do you know what would happen if he knew you heard a rat? You'd be gone in a second. But can I can I Can I keep it? Sorry if I have another GE. When I was alive, I did some really kill ****. And so God gave me this position. You don't need a flatter way. Still need to go through procedure. And there's a long line behind you. So chop chop, darling. Um, mad. The help you're getting from this man to fix your plumbing business and you treat him with so much disrespect. Like and know it all. Joseph, get off the stairs and stop fooling around. Mary is coming over for dinner. Yeah, wake it to meet Akita. I'm having so much fun. I don't really wanna go