
Profile photo for Victoria H
Not Yet Rated


Young child, teenager, sultry, evil, slow, mysterious, Russian, American, Kiwi character.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


New Zealand North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
surprise. I threw this party just for you when you're surprised, huh? Were you? What kind of party would this be if I were quiet? I mean duh boring. No, no, you can't stop. Please don't go away. Please. No one's ever stuck with me for so long before. Oh, you've done so well today, sweetheart. And don't worry, I won't clip up any more of your beautiful unless I need them. E get hit in the head with. Well, just be sure that the puppies don't do it again. Super City Command Centre. What is your emergency? Uh huh. I'm sorry, sir. Could you please be more specific? A giant bat. Can you describe it? Huh, Daddy? Sure. Okay. Come with me, child. Intothe where no one knows what lies, Mom. Okay, Bonnie's going out with bricks, so she got sole high horse. She's all the boys and the stupid prom in the food chain. And And I'm gonna end up with Ron. I don't see the crisis, honey. He's a nice guy, Mom. He's not a guy. He's Ron. I got you a job at the fish factory goes threat down this path. Do you get to the fork in the road. Go left. Bye Bye, honey. Oh, I'm listening, Comrade Fleming. Cough. You've been a thorn in my side since you were brought here. Hey, acting like the Queen of Sheba instead of the nameless no account you are.