Shelley Cohen - E-learning - Corporate, engaging, professional



Clients: National Defence - Firefighter Evaluation Training video and Transport Canada - Integrated Management System (IMS) - Aviation Inspector Training video

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the firefighter Physical Fitness Maintenance Evaluation is a circuit based assessment that must be completed in less than eight minutes and one second, the firefighter will dawn their full turnout gear as well as an SCB A. The evaluation will consist of the following tasks one arm hose carry roof ladder carry, raise and lower charged hose advance ladder climb weighted sled pull, forcible entry victim rescue and equipment. Carry I. M. S is a standard that guides the Transport Canada's Civil Aviation Directorate on how to best manage activities To ensure a safe, secure, effective and efficient civil aviation transportation system. Civil aviation is committed to continuously and incrementally improving our products, services and processes. We consult all stakeholders so that informed decisions are made when making changes to a program.