Commercial Demo - American English - Pop Culture

Television Ad


Commercial Deo with a large variety of styles for your listening pleasure.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
T. Mobile's magenta max is the first and only five G. Smartphone plan that can't slow you down based on how much data you use no matter what you're trying to accomplish. Find everything you need at Visas. Small business hub for every paul in your pack this month gets Purina for all your pets needs. Mm Pet my whiskers human because that's my favorite bar. Wendy's biggie bag is biggie back. $5 gets you a little bit of everything in one big E bag. Again. Beauty is feeling like the best version of yourself authentic, unique. Real. Welcome to dove reimagined iconic elements. Innovation is in every detail of the first ever B. M. W. I. X. Find paradise in the patio section. Start the season with savings at targets ready set, summer sale, target, expect more, pay less.