Commercial Demo - Chad Livingston

Television Ad


This demo provides an example of my ability to perform commercial and advertising voice overs

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when a car is designed around a driver, even a commute can feel like an adventure, though. New Acura RDX designed for the way you drive Mental Note. If you're bringing Red Bull, make sure you bring enough for everybody. Try Sugar Free Red Bull for more energy with no crash, Red Bull gives you wings When the market went haywire, I just assumed my retirement plans were on pause. But when I realized we had a backup plan, I can't tell you how much of a relief that Waas smelling good is important. But looking good is important, too. And if your deodorant is leaving stains on your clothes, that's not gonna look too good degree. Ultra clear goes on clear so you look as good as you smell. Where you're from should not determine where you're going. Help create opportunities in every neighborhood across the country. Support your local. Why. Today, The best way to get cheese, burgers and tacos delivered is not in a box. It's on a pizza Domino's new cheeseburger and chicken taco pizza. Finally, a burger and taco that's designed to be delivered