English- Digital Ad

Television Ad


Indian English- Digital Advertisements

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What is fresh? Is it a whiff of strong coffee that makes you morningood? Or is it a warm hug that solved before the food youtube presents? Front row Coachella, more Coachella, wherever you are, more livestream performances, more backstage access. Do you have all the late night infomercials memorized? Put your insomnia to bed with nocturnal rest, all natural sleep aid. But this isn't where our journey ends. It's where it begins. Dealers are a vital part of the ecosystem, juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities every day. Tracking and prioritization are often challenging, but that's about to change presenting the Excellence Club app, crafted specially for dealers that puts all the power in your hands with real time visibility, a hassle, free order process, the latest schemes and offers empowered plumber engagement, access to product resources and the power to raise and track queries.