Brendan Friedrich - Montage Demo - Professional, Conversational

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Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


A group of different narrations and promotions....

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sunday night, Fresco returns to doubts after a three game road trip wire to come flatware too complex to take on another rising Texas star, Houston's to Sean Watson. Sunday night is football night only. NBC promotional consideration for not Without my hoagie is paid for by the following life in the war zone. Daily ration of bullets and pain. We hear a lot about war these days, but there aren't just one or two. In fact, there are well over 60 going on right now. They've all accepted the challenge to do their job under the most stressful and dangerous conditions on the planet. Grueling work against impossible odds. Promotional consideration for not Without my schnauzer is paid for by the following in the heart of America's southeast in the wild and savage Smoky mountains of North Carolina. For centuries, a tough breed of men and women have risked everything to go where no other man will go in search of beer do in search of gemstones