

Straight narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one Egyptian Mysteries At 4 30 in the morning the 16th March 1993 Graham Hancock and his wife prepared to scramble up the side of the Great Pyramid. It had to be this early because, claiming the pyramid had been strictly forbidden since 1983 when an incautious tourist broke his neck. Hancock had bribed the guards were $150 but they refused to stay corrupt. Before he was allowed to climb the pyramid, he had to bribe them all over again. The first thing the Hancocks discovered was that claiming the pyramid was not like walking up a flight of steps besides of the pyramid shaped like steps they have bean since its limestone facing vanished centuries ago, but some of them a chest high. On the other hand, the flat part of the step is often only six inches deep, which explains why a tourist over balances is unlikely to stop until he reaches the bottom. The pyramid is 203 steps high and slopes at 52 degrees, so by the time the Hancocks were less than 1/4 of the way up, they were winded and exhausted and ready for a long rest. But this was out of the question, since it will be dawn in about an hour and they would become visible to cruising police cars.