My Escape: Born into a Dysfunctional Family

Profile photo for Shauna Campbell
Not Yet Rated


This is an exert from the book \"My Escape: Born into a Dysfunctional Family\". The project started with narration and the files were mastered and delivered to the buyer ready to submit to ACX

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I had got to the age of about five and was still witnessing the beatings that my father carried out on my mother. His drinking had become a daily habit. By this point, I would scream and cry for him to stop, which maybe in retrospect, wasn't the best thing to do as my screams made him more angry. One night we were in our two story Mason it apartment on fifth floor. My father flew into a drunken rage with me for no apparent reason. It was not like I could get outside quickly. He began slapping me and whilst on my back, pulled me down a flight of stairs by my legs from the bedroom to the kitchen, banging my head on each step as I went down.