Big Tasteez

Profile photo for Laurel Santiago
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This is a radio spot that I wrote and produced for a restaurant in Monahans, Texas.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
wait all day. The word on the street is at the new place. To eat is big taste ease in Monahans. Big Tasty is at 101 South Betty. Across the street from the post office is the only place in town where you can feed your need for good home cooking, from sweet, tasty barbecue to your favorite burgers and nachos, sausage wrapped street tacos, burritos, fried fish and even hot links at a side of fried pickles or potato salad. Mac and cheese made just like Mamma makes even fried cabbage, rattlesnake bites, fries and wings. There's just too much food to talk about here, so head on over to Big Tasty is at one on one South Betty or call in your order it for 3 to 5566859 That's 4325566859 and like big taste ease on Facebook, Big Tasty is is now open from 10 AM until nine PM