
Profile photo for Laurel Santiago
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


I wrote and produced this radio spot to advertise a Christian event.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
open your heart, renew your mind and change your life. Encounter with the house on 1905 will be at the Ward County Event Center Saturday, October 17th, 1 to 4 PM Admission is $5. This is a non denominational coed time of praise and worship, encouraging word prayer and fellowship. Refreshments will be available from PJ's coffee. Local vendors will be available for shopping before and after services register online at the house on 1905 dot com. That's the house on 1905 dot com Brought to You by Oldham. Orthodontics of Midland PJ's coffee of Monahan's Esther Walkers, Farmers Insurance of Kermit four GS Entertainment of Monahan's Stones Repair Monahan's, Coco's, Mongo, Nadas and Laura's back Porch Designs Again. Open your heart, Renew your mind and change your life of the encounter with the House on 1905 at the Ward County Event Center, Saturday, October 17th