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great white sharks have staked a claim in the waters off Cape Cod and Martha's Vineyard. Lured by the increasing population of seals, they feast all summer long. For people enjoying the lush cape waters, the danger is real. Today, a lobster boat named the Lydia has been brought to Martha's Vineyard. Her purpose. To be converted into one of the most famous shark hunting vessels known in cinema. For the first time since 1974 the orca is to be reborn. This is return of the orca. It's the height of summer in Jacksonville, Florida, and wildlife Wrangler Ryan Boyd is setting out on an animal distress call. Ryan works on the front lines of wildlife Rescue, responding to animal 911 calls all across northeastern Florida. Ryan's been rescuing critters from Florida. Homes and businesses were close to 10 years. Ryan's expertise is a lucky break for the two baby raccoons trapped in a hot dumpster. The good news. The raccoons don't seem dehydrated by the extreme heat, the bad news. Even young raccoons like these will go on the attack when cornered in the hills near Santo Domingo, Jerry and Chris are traveling with informant Marcos to Finca Las Flores, a location where millions are reported to be buried by Pablo Escobar's cousin, Gustavo Gaviria. But digging in this long contested region comes with inherent risk. Gustavo Gaviria was a major player in the metal in cartel, and as the cartel gained power in the Antioquia region, those players bought up massive amounts of property, often as Finca as sprawling tracts of land that insured privacy. America loves trucks. Now five drivers with skill and guts test their rigs on the toughest course ever built. Testing speed, strength and handling to survive and face the green ****, a perilous track designed to break man and machine fighting alongside them. Their coaches Pistol Pete, Sauron, Glenn Plague, Abe Wine and Rob Bender Park. Five trucks enter, but only one wins $10,000 drives home a champion.