3 same ads recorded in english.

Profile photo for William Connelly
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


I recorded these 3 demos, trimmed, merged, converted and uploaded them in about an hour. I think i could do better work but excited to get this out there. Will keep practicing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the rhythmic beating of the drums, the cheerful tinkling of rain sticks and the mouthwatering aroma of chimichangas. Yes, it's fiesta time again at Lincoln Park, you've always wanted to retire in style. The residents of green Gables retirement community enjoy 25% more life and easy living. There's no need to cut the lawn shovel the driveway or climb unnecessary stairs. You'll have more time, more energy and more life. Those are just three great benefits of living at green Gables, green Gables, the world at your doorstep with all the amenities all dressed up with nowhere to go. Think again. The fireman's annual christmas call is just around the corner. Early bird tickets are selling fast with this black tie event so make sure that you take down this phone number in order to secure your table ready, dial 5557812. To reserve your table now, Visa and Mastercard accepted. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door. So order in advance to secure your table and save