WTOP News radio report: DC Conspiracies 2

Profile photo for William Vitka
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If you think your commute through the District is hellish, well, at least one fringe conspiracy theory says there’s a reason for that. Will Vitka reports.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


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The conspiracy theory says the district's roads were built to form an inverted pentagram widely considered a satanic symbol above the white house, but jane levy with the D. C. Historical society says the streets were laid out for more practical reasons like topography and geography. These things are all pretty simple to understand if you don't get carried away. Freemasons spokesman Jason Van **** is all too familiar with conspiracy theories, since his group is often at the center of them, including this one. It's the same thing that all conspiracy theories are. It is an attempt to simplify or to explain what people don't have control over certain things in their lives. So while your commute might feel like ****, there's no evidence to support, we're actually living in it. Read more about the conspiracy theory at w T. O P dot com. Will Vitka W T. O. P News?