WTOP News radio report: DC Conspiracies

Profile photo for William Vitka
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If you think your commute through the District is hellish, well, at least one fringe conspiracy theory says there’s a reason for that.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


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a decades old theory now peddled in the darker corners of the internet claims D. C. Streets were designed to include cult imagery. For example, if you look on a map roads north of the White House form part of an inverted pentagram which is considered a satanic symbol. The theory also states the freemasons are somehow behind it. So we asked them 100% in almost every way except for there are streets in Washington, D. C. That's freemason spokesman Jason van ****. Over the years, he's heard a lot of conspiracy theories about his group, like another one that says Masonic symbols are baked into the street plan for the district. Most of them are absolutely bananas and make no sense, relax folks. It's all nonsense except that part about your commute that will still feel like ****. W. T. O. P. News.