Video Narration


This demo is a political jingle voiced for the presidential and senatorial candidates of one of the major political parties in Nigeria towards the last 2019 general elections.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Nigerian North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
said. By breastfeeding General election Is Gets Closer A call is going out to all electorates in Ondo State to vote for a frog Harris of the all Progressives Congress, a PC at all levels starting from the House of Assembly, House of Representatives, Senates and capital presidents Mohammed Buhari has all know that are progressive Congress a PC is the progress and well being of Nigerians and the promotion of the nation at large. It's one of the governor of in both states are rectory looting accurate s a N as dollar lots in terms of wealthy off work as at ceases on business onus as well as provisional social amenities, security and employment. This is the focus of a PC government for all Nigerians, therefore, for continuous anti corruption war vote for a PC so closing the gap between the rich and the poor votes AP Scene For remarkable progress in our states and the nation of large bottle a PC candidates and sure you vote properly on the election day for the a P. C by fingerprinted in front of the room a PC next level nappy y all support group supported this camp in