Zack Percell Whiteboard Explainer Demo

Profile photo for Zack Percell
Not Yet Rated


This demo is comprised of the audio of a couple of recent whiteboard videos I did the VO for. It was mixed with the music by the video creator.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
goal setting and overcoming self doubt. Every athlete experiences that self doubt feeling. Having athletes like your team around you and your coaches support you. It just makes everything better. I overcame it by just relaxing, taking deep breaths and focusing on what I'm going to do. My skills. Being nervous is important because if you're not nervous that you don't care. Grit and resilience. Resiliency is so important in sports and in life because they're going to the obstacles you encounter as a hurdler. I see obstacles in front of me day after day, and I know that we also see them in our life and sports have a way of putting obstacles in front of it. Could be by not doing well in your sport by losing a game.