Evil Chuckle



A short evil cackle.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
uh, I mean it. I would be lying if I said I am not happy to see you. It has been a pleasure doing combat with you all these many years in our little game of cat and mouse. Often aided by explosives or flying machines or houses of mirrors, you have been the most worthy foe. In some ways, I will regret destroying something so extraordinary in some ways I will really enjoy it. Killing you would be like destroying a beautiful butterfly. A beautiful butterfly who murdered my father. Import acid on my face. Yeah, you may laugh, but we're not so different, you and I. Okay, Actually, do not last. Let me continue. Please stop it. Guard? Sure, ill friend. What happens when we love too much? That's right. We lose television privileges. You know so much. Now argue. Like I said, we're not so different. We both lost our parents at a young age. We both seek out the darkness and shine a light. We both have secret identities. We both keep secrets. They have lost loved ones because of these secret. Oh, crap. That's my phone. Excuse me. I have to take this


Villain, Creepy